Butterfly Embroidery Equipment PRICE MATCH
If you find a competing machine similar to the Butterfly at a price less than ours, we will meet or BEAT their price.
To qualify for TheEmbroideryWarehouse Price Match, a competing product’s pre-tax gross cost must be less than the pre-tax gross cost of the same product TheEmbroideryWarehouse offers. The product price AND its individual shipping cost are combined to find the gross cost. Price matching is done on a product-to-product basis and not the gross total of an entire order that includes multiple products.
If a competing product is offered for $5.00 with $30.00 shipping, and TheEmbroideryWarehouse offers the same product for $15.00 with $12.99 shipping, the gross cost of the competing product ($35.00) is greater than the gross cost of TheEmbroideryWarehouse product ($27.99). TheEmbroideryWarehouse will not match that price because while the competitor’s actual product is less than TheEmbroideryWarehouse, they have buried the true cost in the elevated shipping charge, making their gross cost greater than TheEmbroideryWarehouse’s. If you order the same item from TheEmbroideryWarehouse, you will save money.
If you find a competitor offering a product for $11.00 with $15.00 shipping and TheEmbroideryWarehouse offers the same product for $15.00 with $12.99 shipping, the gross cost of the competitor ($26.00) is less than the gross cost of TheEmbroideryWarehouse ($27.99). TheEmbroideryWarehouse WILL match the competitor’s gross cost in this situation AND beat it by 5 percent.
NOTE: TheEmbroideryWarehouse will only “Meet and Beat” prices against competing companies. TheEmbroideryWarehouse will price match products found on other sites owned by TheEmbroideryWarehouse, but that site’s corresponding shipping policy must also be used in combination with the product’s cost. Custom covers are exempt from price matching.