Barudan Embroidery Machines
Barudan Commercial Embroidery Equipment have been a leading manufacture of solid embroidery machines across the globe. Barudan has always been a well respected and innovative embroidery machine manufacture. Barudan has been around for as long as commercial embroidery machines have been around and has always had a good loyal following, including technicians, owners, and operators. In some countries, Barudan has dominated the market. In the USA and most of the world, Barudan shares the largest market share along with Tajima.
If your embroidery business is in the USA then Barudan is going to be the first or second most popular choice of commercial embroidery machines that your competitors will likely be using. Barudan machines are probably going to be a bit less expensive than Tajima. However, expect to spend a bit more on these machines than some of the other machines that came later in the history of commercial embroidery machines.
How would a Barudan Embroidery Machine fit into your business plan?
For more information take a look at our used Barudan embroidery inventory |